Jim Halverson

District 21 House

Vote For

Jim Halverson

I believe my conservative values, common sense approach to good legislation, and ability to listen makes me someone who can serve our people well.

To Pierre, I will bring thoughtful common sense leadership.

Jim Halverson

District 21 House


Years of Business Experience.

About Me

Jim Halverson

Experienced journeyman electrician at H&O Electric with a passion for coaching Winner High School’s golf teams to victory. Actively involved in local economic development through the South Central Economic Development Corporation and dedicated member of the El Riad Shrine Club. Formerly managed Country Pride Coop and served with the South Dakota Highway Patrol, bringing over 40 years of commitment to Winner’s community.

My Goals

Build, Strengthen, Protect

As I look forward to the coming years, I want to represent the people of our communities and ensure all of their perspectives are finding a platform in Pierre.


I'm passionate about creating jobs, providing housing opportunities, and creating an environment for young people to live and thrive.


Partner with state and local leaders to solve real problems facing our district, i.e. the labor shortage, housing shortage, and childcare shortage, as well as improve access and efficiency of the programs that exist today.


Protect your constitutional rights by defending the Second Amendment and protecting a person's sacred right to life.